About us

Location Description
1Barefoot path
2Dusting insect at Golden Garden
3The willow board
4Lake Dombó
5Alluvial forest and biodiversity
6Willow labyrinth
7Meadows and pastures with animals
8Sightseeing tower

Welcome at the area Dropie. This area is a typical lowland, agricultural landscape with islands of biodiversity in the form of meadows and pastures, wetlands, meanders with willows and green bio-corridors. Ostrovné lúky SPA provides habitats for the red-footed falcon, the tawny pipit and the lesser grey shrike, as well as for other protected species. An educational trail ,,Stories of the Land„ will take you to the ancient past and show you what the country once looked like.

Quests, created  from these stories, will introduce you the Special Protection Area Ostrovné lúky with typical habitats and species, but also stories and problems of the land of meadows.

You can get first run from our education trail by clicking on the points at the Dropie area map.

Environmental Education Center Dropie

Stories from the land of meadows

Poisoned soil

Summer in the meadows – CEE Dropie

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Kolárovská 55, 946 14 Zemianska Olča
e-mail: sev-dropie@sazp.sk
tel: +421 35 7896055