Environmental Education Center Dropie
Welcome to the Environmental Education Center Dropie in Zemianska Olča that is a residential ecocenter of the Slovak Environment Agency. We are located in the heart of the Special Protection Area Ostrovné lúky, which provides living space to nature species. In SEV Dropie you can „taste“ and experience non-formal education in the form of practical environmental education provided for a wide target group. Our programmes gives you information about the land of meadows, and the Lower Rye Island, reveal the hidden beauty and natural attractions of the agricultural landscape, gain „know-how“ of creating biodiversity hotspots for insects, bugs, birds and experience the feeling of doing something great for the land and its surroundings.

Kolárovská 55, 946 14 Zemianska Olča
e-mail: sev-dropie@sazp.sk
tel: +421 35 7896055