About the project Living Lab
Project title: Climate change and environment education centre (Living Lab) in Dropie
The program: EEA Grants and Norway Grants
Project status: in implementation
Organizational unit: SE/OEVVO
Project's due date: April 30th 2024
Project description:
Ongoing climate change affects each of us and it is crucial to be able to identify problems and implement the right adaptation and mitigation measures. At the same time educating a wide target group on climate change is also very important. The aim of the project is to create a demonstration ecocentre with implemented adaptation and mitigation measures, which will serve the general public. As far content is as important as the form, the second main activity is the creation of a Climate Education Program for kindergartens, elementary and secondary schools, a workshop for university students and a practical workshop for key actors in the country - self-governments, farmers,…
Project „Climate change and environment education centre in Dropie supported for additional demonstration measures and educational programmes“ received a financial contributions 1 200 000€ from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through EEA Grants.
Project activities:
Work package 1: Living Lab - outdoor measures
1.1: Implementation of adaptation measures WATER - construction of a rainwater reservoir in Living Lab, restored and construction of a system for its reuse for flushing and watering, construction of a domestic waste water treatment plants.
1.2: Implementation of GREEN adaptation measures - realization of rain garden, green walls, green roofs, tree planting, implementation of landscaping adjustments to the area, and more.
1.3: Implementation of adaptation measures COMMUNICATION - implementation of various types of water-permeable surfaces.
1.4: Implementation of mitigation measures SOLAR ENERGY - implementation of biodynamic lighting for the area, photovoltaic charging stations for bicycles, and charging stations for electric vehicles.
1.5: Implementation of mitigation measures INFRASTRUCTURE - implementation of outdoor social facilities - sanitary container and climatic playground for children and adults, renovation of the waterhouse building, interior and exterior furnishings.
Work package 2: Living Lab – indoor measures
2.1: Realization of project documentation for Living Lab for the implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures.
2.2: Realization of Living Lab mitigation and adaptation measures (photovoltaic panels, heat pump, use of traditional materials) in the interior.
Work package 3: Living Lab - soft measures
3.1: 4 _Youth Climate Change Living Lab - practical implementation of adaptation measures within a workshop for students.
3.2: Education program for adaptation and mitigation measures on climate change adaptation and mitigation measures, designed for preschools, primary schools, and secondary schools Climate change Living Lab,- elaborated in cooperation with Norwegian Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research/Norwegian 2nd Donor Project Partner and with other relevant external experts;
3.3: Methodological manual for schools Climate change Living Lab - elaborated in cooperation with Norwegian Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research/Norwegian 2nd Donor Project Partner; and with other relevant external experts;
3.4: Practical guidelines for the "Climate Change Living Lab" measures.
3.5: E-learning and workshops for decision-making authorities in municipalities - Adaptation Plans for Climate Change and tools for its promotion.
3.6 Interactive communication of Living Lab adaptation and mitigation measures with visitors through the smart tool - application.
- Publicity
Project outouts:
Standard indicators:
Indicator Name
Number of individuals who reported that their behavior is more climate-friendly - Target value: 1500.
Number of completed new exterior measures for climate mitigation and adaptation - Target value: 7.
Estimated annual reduced energy/electricity consumption (in kWh) - Target value: 66521.
Number of students who completed educational activities/courses - Target value: 1200.
Number of local stakeholders with decision-making authority and managerial staff who completed seminars/courses - Target value: 360.
Bilateral indicators:
Indicator Name
Number of projects involving cooperation with the donor partner of the project - Target value: 1.
Number of trainings co-organized by institutions from contributing states and the recipient state - Target value: 2.
Publicity indicators:
Indicator Name
Number of information activities - Target value: 3.
Number of participants in information activities - Target value: 150.
Number of website visitors - Target value: 1000.
Number of project presentations at events - Target value: 1.
Number of promotional materials created within the project - Target value: 10.
Number of media outputs - Target value: 22.
Contact person:
Ing. František Valuška
e- mail: frantisek.valuska@sazp.sk
Media output:
Press Release 2023_CEE Dropie have new wastewater treatment plant and rain garden (PDF, 556 kB)
Press_Release_2022_CEE_Dropie_Workshop_Youth_Climate_Change_Living_Lab.pdf (PDF, 149 kB)

Kolárovská 55, 946 14 Zemianska Olča
e-mail: sev-dropie@sazp.sk
tel: +421 35 7896055