Climate change and environment education centre (Living Lab) in Dropie

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Global change - local vulnerability

Anyone who knows the story of the bustard will understand that the story is about the vulnerability of a species that has failed to adapt to changes in its environment. Bustard has therefore become a symbol of local species vulnerability in Slovakia. It is a flagship species, which is supposed to remind us – humans of the importance of adaptation as well as the importance of protecting habitats and biotopes of important and protected species, and also to change the current unsustainable development of civilization into a development of a type that is closer to the course and functioning of natural processes.     

Based on this concept, the Climate Education Programs were born, which focus on adaptation and mitigation actions. On this page we add records of all the programs and activities implemented by this program.

Through the financial resources from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism the area is expected to be gradually developed into a living model laboratory for climate change.

Our project partners are the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research and the City of Trondheim.

The project activities are defined in Work package 1, Work package 2 and Work package 3 as external measures, internal measures and soft measures, of which a full overview can be found in on menu About project or on the SAŽP website.

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logo Dropie Living Lab

Project „Climate change and environment education centre in Dropie supported for additional demonstration measures and educational programmes“ received a financial contributions 1 200 000€ from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through EEA Grants. The aim of the project is to create a demonstration Eco centre at Dropie with implemented adaptation and mitigation measures, which will serve the general public.

To find out more about programmes and projects funded by the EEA Grants in Slovakia, you are welcome to visit site or

Midterm conference Climate change and environment education centre (Living Lab) in Dropie

21. 11. 2023

Since 2021, the Environmental Education Center of the Slovak Environmental Agency – SEV Dropie has been implementing a project from the Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change (SK – Klíma) program. As a part of it, the facility in Zemianská Olča in the south-west of Slovakia is to undergo a revolutionary transformation into a model center for climate change, also called Living Lab Dropie.

Workshop: Creating rain garden as a climate adaptation measure

06. 10. 2022

The construction of a rain garden in SEV Dropie took place on 30th of September till 1st of October as a practical workshop for youth belongs to outputs measures of the project Climate change and environment education centre (Living Lab) in Dropie.

Norwegian delegation

10. 07. 2019

At the CEE Dropie we are preparing a collaborative project with our Norwegian partners, the Bjerknes Climate Research Centre and the City of Trondheim, which will be developed under the name Climate Change Living Lab in CEE Dropie.

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Kolárovská 55, 946 14 Zemianska Olča
tel: +421 35 7896055