Adaptation and mitigation measures in Living Lab Dropie
On 9th October 2024 a delegation of the Cooperation Committee of the SK-Climate program, including Norwegian partners from the Norwegian Embassy in Vienna and the Norwegian Environmental Agency honored us with their visit ...

Lilla Szabóová presented the outputs of the Living Lab Dropie project, which ,as a PdP project, was financed by EEA and Norway Grants. The program was beautifully varied by children from the eco-kindergarten Lesná Kolárovo. At the same time, we presented the implementation of environmental education at CEE Dropie, we thank the teachers Angelika Kisová and Klaudika Kisová and the children for their cooperation. You still have a chance to visit the renovated CEE Dropie this year on Enviro Saturday held on 26th October 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Don't miss it, we look forward to meeting you.

Kolárovská 55, 946 14 Zemianska Olča
tel: +421 35 7896055