Volunteers become hairdressers to cut the Willow

In the first weekend of March 2022 with co-organizer BROZ and in cooperation with Hurbanovská Oáza, we afresh organizing the willow cutting. In the focus will be saving the willow trees at the Dudváh alluvial depressions and at the bank of the lake Dombo inside EEC Dropie. The event will take place on Saturday, March 5th.


Did you know that willows top are so called heads? These wonders of the meadow landscape are also our cultural and historical symbol and at the same time islands of biodiversity in the agricultural landscape. On Saturday we will meet at 9:30 in EEC Dropie and then we will move to nearby locations in Dudváh. We will restore old willows, we will take planting material from pruned willows heads to plant young willows. In addition to helping nature, you can try the traditional work and skills of the inhabitants of Dolní Žitný ostrov in first hand. We work with a small group of local volunteers. The event will held til 15:30.

Thanks to everyone who joins us to save the nature wonders of this region.


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Kolárovská 55, 946 14 Zemianska Olča
e-mail: sev-dropie@sazp.sk
tel: +421 35 7896055