Midterm conference Climate change and environment education centre (Living Lab) in Dropie
Since 2021, the Environmental Education Center of the Slovak Environmental Agency – SEV Dropie has been implementing a project from the Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change (SK – Klíma) program. As a part of it, the facility in Zemianská Olča in the south-west of Slovakia is to undergo a revolutionary transformation into a model center for climate change, also called Living Lab Dropie.

Midterm conference
Climate change and environment education centre (Living Lab) in Dropie
Pre-defined project under the sk-climate programme
The Slovak Environment Agency (SAŽP) would like to invite you to an midterm event for the ongoing predefined project "Climate change and environment education center in Dropie supported for additional demonstration measures and educational programs implemented under the SK-Klima program and co-financed by EEA grants.
The planned date of the event is November 22nd, 2023 (Wednesday) from approximately 10:00 am to 1:30 pm in the Dropie Environmental Education Center, Zemianska Olča, Komárno District, in the form of a press conference. The event will be also streamed online via MS Teams.
More information about the event can be found in the agenda.
The program:
Program _SK_Midterm Conference 2023_November.pdf (PDF, 718 kB)
Agenda EN_Midterm Conference November_2023.pdf (PDF, 698 kB)

Kolárovská 55, 946 14 Zemianska Olča
e-mail: sev-dropie@sazp.sk
tel: +421 35 7896055